Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Welcome to Flat Ellen!

Several months ago, my friend and I were watching Ellen Degeneres and agreed that there should be a way we could let her know how much enjoy not just her show but her. My friend, Linda, came up with the idea to create a Flat Ellen and that's when it occurred to me to start a blog where we could post pictures of Flat Ellen as she visits different people and places. We had a good laugh as we talked about our idea and then as the days and weeks passed, we kinda forgot about it.

One day, Linda decided to create a Flat Ellen on her computer and when she showed it to me, I fell in love with it. We printed it out, laughed, and then Flat Ellen sat on Linda's desk, once again forgotten. Forgotten that is, until today!

Linda decided to take Flat Ellen on vacation with her and she sent the following photos to me just a few hours ago so here they are for you to enjoy, along with Linda's commentary.

 Here we go, Ellen...The first leg of our journey! Ontario International Airport...

Up, up and away...

According to our navigation, we are now about in the middle of Arizona! I didn't think to ask...I hope you don't get air sickness Ellen!

I will post updates as I get them so keep checking back. Oooh, I can hardly wait until we send Flat Ellen to England!